

Glycosides:Compounds with two arms, one part of the glyconic part and the other part of the aglycone (non-sugar), the aglycone part can be phenolic, alcoholic, sulphide -glycosides, hydroxyls of a sugar to form (ether with other alcohols and ester with other acids) they are proper.


Compilation and arrangement of Engineer Javidi…………….


-Compounds with two arms, one part of the glyconic part and the other part of the aglycone (non-sugar), the aglycone part can be phenolic, alcoholic, sulphide -glycosides, hydroxyls of a sugar to form (ether with other alcohols and ester with other acids) they are proper.

Glycosidic bonds can be O:-glycoside, C-glycoside, N-glycoside, S-glycoside. The importance of these bonds is in creating a connection with monosaccharides and forming oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.

Most of the glycosides are considered as prodrugs, and when the glycone part is hydrolyzed by the bacteria and enzymes of the large intestine, the aglycone part becomes active.

Most glycosides are soluble in water, but their aglycones are insoluble.

The role of glycosides in plants:

Regulation of plant reactions, regulation of osmotic pressure, protective and defensive role in

In contrast, they contain some microorganisms such as fungi.

Origin of glycosides:

Seeds-seed niam-protrusions of roots or underground stems-flowers-leaves

Glucosinolates: present in the Brassicaceae family.

Cyanogenic glycosides: present in the Rosacea A family.

– Iroid-phenylpropanoid glycosides: available in the scrophulariaceae family

Flavonoid-phenylpropanoid glycosides: present in the Asteraceae family.

– Anthraquinone glycosides: available in Polygonaceae family (Haftband grass).

Classification of glycosides:

Glycosides are classified based on the type of aglycone.


1).Cardiac glycosides:……………….

I have explained it completely in a separate article

These types of glycosides have special effects on the heart muscles. Cardiac glycosides

In some flowering plants such as Apocynaceae-monkey flowers

Scrophulariaceae – Ranuncolaceae (and there are several other families.

Among the plants containing this type of glycosides, we can mention digitalis purpura, adonis (adonin and adeni toxin), onion, and cactus.

2).Cyanogenic-laetrile glycosides – vitamin B17…………….

– Element N exists in the form of hydrocyanic acid (prussic acid).

– It is poisonous.

Amygdalin-Pronasin is derived from the aromatic amino acid phenylalanine.

-Amygdalin in the presence of oral saliva ((petyalin (containing amycrolase enzyme) and water)) is converted into benzaldehyde aglycan (bitter almond smell) and hydrocyanic acid in two steps.

The mechanism and properties of amygdalin (vitamin B17🙁

Properties: General anti-cancer, especially cervical and prostate

The mechanism of action:

Laetrile is obtained from amygdalin and has emulsin enzyme, which helps to decompose cyanide and has anti-cancer properties.

 Laetrile and the pure form of amygdalin contain substances that break down into cyanide when they come into contact with the cells of the human body, but healthy and normal cells have a natural defense against this process, and secrete the rhodans enzyme and cyanide. Sulfurized and disposed of. But cancer cells have beta-glucosidase enzyme and do not react to cyanide and are destroyed.

Amygdalin-pronacin poisoning:

It is important to know that if the dose of amygdalin is increased, it causes inactivation of the respiratory enzymes, confusion and darkening of the face color, and in very high doses (5.5 mg/kg of body weight), it is fatal.

Effect of temperature and cooking on vitamin B17:

 It is sensitive to heat.

Plants of the Rosaceae family (such as cores (apples, pears and apricots), almonds (especially bitter almonds), tomatoes and butterflies (Papilionaceae)) such as clover and beans – cherry leaves – and cherries – blossoms Forest plum – black and white poppy flowers – Flax – Manioc (cassava) plant is called Manihot esculenta.

Sambungrin glycoside (isomerpronasin): found in the leaves of Sambucus nigra

3).Anthraquinone glycosides:………………………..

– Brownish yellow pigments – are in the form of O-glycosidic and C-glycosidic bonds – aglycones have 2 or more phenols connected by a quinone ring.

– Contraindications: pregnant women – in a state of nausea – appendicitis – lactating women.

– Properties: laxative and laxative (anti-constipation) – anti-growth of intestinal pathogens (anthraquinone-naphthaquinone) – significantly in the early stages of virus growth (EBV) – help to treat Kissing disease (mononucleosis is an infectious disease, which virus Epstein-Barr or Avastin is the cause of it and causes herpes, it targets the mucous cells and oral lymphocytes, which causes the involvement of the mucous cells of the mouth and infects the person’s mouth saliva.

Plants containing anthraquinone can be

He mentioned Senna (Cassia Angustifolia), Aloes Socotrina, Citrullus colocynthis), Chinese rhubarb (Rheum officinale), Aloe Vera, Rubia, and Lyceum.

-Rheum Emodin glycoside found in rhubarb root (Rheum)-Because anthraquinones cause heartburn, you should use anti-heartburn herbs such as fennel, cumin, etc.

4).Phenolic and flavonoid glycosides:………………….

))I have checked in a separate article…((

– Phenolic glycosides: salicylin found in the bark of the willow tree (Salix alba) – poplar tree – which has antipyretic, anti-pain and anti-inflammatory properties.

Flavonoid glycosides (vitamin p): hawthorn, horsetail, tangerine, mandarin, and all fruits, flowers and plants with yellow and orange colors have flavonoids, whose properties are: strengthening blood capillaries, anti-cancer, Alzheimer’s, and antioxidant.

5).Iroid glycosides:……………………………

– It is taken from the name of the Australian carnivorous ant (Iridomerx).

Plant sources with iroid glycoside:

Family (Rubiaceae) – Lamiaceae – Scrophulariaceae – Gentianaceae

Harpagoside: found in Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) from the family of monkey flowers.

Asproloside-procambin: found in the plant Zebrina or aromatic pearl (Galium odoratum).

Loganin: found in Menyanthe trifolie swamp clover from Genitaceae family.

– Aucubin found in Great Plantain and Plantago psyllium, which, in addition to its laxative properties, helps eliminate uric acid and is useful for gout.

6). Secuiridoid glycosides:………………

By opening the five-carbon ring of loganin, securidoids are formed.

– These compounds are very bitter and are known as bitter by nature, this bitterness also creates medicinal properties: anti-gastric (gastrointestinal tonic) – increasing appetite – helping pancreas function (insulin secretion) – helping bile secretion.

They are also mentioned as: antibacterial-anti-inflammatory, fever and pain-lowering blood pressure.

Amarogenitin- gintopicroside: (appetizer) found in gentian plant.

Picrolio: (antibacterial) found in picorosia

Oleoresin: (lowering blood pressure-anti-diabetes) found in olives

– Okubin: (analgesic, spasmolytic) found in (Plantago major) and (Plantago psyllium)

7).Coumarin glycosides……………………………:

Available in Melilotus officinalis, Plantago major L, Papaya (Alocasia sanderiana), Melilotus, Horse Chestnut and…, the role of anti-inflammatory and spasm and muscle stiffness, as well as antibiotic and Vein tonic is also anti hematocrit and blood concentration.

8). Sulfurtide (glucosinolate) glycosides:…………………..

Compounds with a spicy taste – mostly in the nightshade family (Brassicaceae) – are formed by the decarboxylation of amino acids (tyrosine-phenylalanine-tryptophan).

Types of glucosinolate glycosides:

-: Available in mustard (mustard plant) black and brown

Cinnabalin: found in white mustard (Mustard plant).

Glucanastrotin: found in watercress and horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)

Glucobracidicin: present in all cabbages, especially sativus cabbage (antitumoral)

Gluco-tropaulin: found in tropaeolum majus and watercress (Lepidium sativum)

Progoytrin: found in cabbage

Allin-Allyl Cysteine-Allicin: Found in garlic (Allium)

Properties of sulfaritide (glucosinolate) glycosides:

Removes biliary obstruction (movement of bile from the liver to the gallbladder) and acts as an antibiotic as well as an anti-rheumatic pain reliever and muscle pain-anti-tumoral (producer of indole metabolites)-helps to reduce body weight.


Causing abdominal bloating – bad body odor and feces

9).Anthocyanin glycosides:…………………………….

((I have fully reviewed in a separate article…))

In marshmallow (Alcea), cheese (Malva Sylvestris), blueberry (Cornus mas), wheat flower (Centaurea cyanus) and…


Antioxidant-anti-cancer-anti-inflammatory and anti-infective, strengthening and softening of hair

10).Phenylpropanoid glycosides (PhGs):………………………..

– Contains 1 glucose unit + 1 part C2 and C6 (usually dihydroxyethanol) + 1 part C3 and C6 (usually dihydroxycinnamic acid)

For the first time, it was extracted from Mahor flower and it was called glycoside verbascoside.

Plants that have the most phenylpropanoid glycosides:

– From the monkey flower family (Azghani’s thimble flower-Romaniaglutinosa-Verbascum(

– From the Barhangian family (Barhang – Spearhead Barhang(

– from the Asteraceae family

– From the mint family (mountain tea, Maryam pea-mint, holy basil(

– From the Shahpasandian family (Shahpasand flower – Shahpasand is a shrub(

– Glycoside inside (barhang-yellow jasmine (Frositia)):


Glycosides inside the mistletoe (Viscum) and Verbascum:

Antitumoral (PKC enzyme inhibition(

– Glycoside echinacoside (like verbascoside with an additional saccharide) in two species of sedum plant (Tridiscania-Angustifolia(:

As: antibacterial and virus-anti-degradation caused by UV radiation

Sinjirin glycoside (an eltroside B): found in Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) – golden root plant (Rhodia rosea) – holy basil plant (Osimium tenioflorum)

As: energizing-relieving fatigue-anti-stress

Salidoside: found in the golden root plant (Rhodia rosea)

As a flavoring (vodka drink)

Good luck Javidi…

,Javidi, engineer Javidi,Javidi Teb,Zarin Giyahe Pars,Reza Javidi,Phytochemistry,Plant Chemistry,Medicinal Plant Chemistry,Medicinal Chemistry,Pharmaceuticals,Glycoside,What is Glycoside,Types of Glycoside,Glycosides,Glycoside topic,Glycosides Properties,Glycosides Properties,Glycosides Role in treatment,the structure of glycosides,glycoside chemistry,the role of glycosides in plants,the origin of glycosides,cyanogenic glycosides,What are cyanogenic glycosides,glucosinolates,glucosinolates,types of glucosinolates,what are iroid glycosides,types of iroid glycosides,what are phenylpropanoid glycosides, types of phenylpropanoid glycosides, flavonoid glycosides,types of anthraquinone glycosides,properties of anthraquinone glycosides,anthraquinone glycosides,classification of glycosides,cardiac Types of cardiac glycosides,properties of cardiac glycosides,Cyanogenic glycosides,types of cyanogenic glycosides,properties of cyanogenic glycosides,laetrile, properties of laetrile,what is laetrile,hydrocyanic acid,prussic acid,amygdalin,amygdalin and petyalin,pronasin,amycrolase enzyme,bitter almond aroma,amygdalin mechanism,rhodans enzyme,Anti-cancer,cancer treatment,cancer prevention,beta-glucosidase enzyme,cyanide,amygdalin poisoning,pronasine poisoning,effect of temperature and cooking on vitamin,Sumbungrin glycoside,isomerpronasin,rheum emodin glycoside,phenolic glycosides,iridomerex,plants with iroid glycosides,harpagoside,asperuloside,aromatic pearl,swamp clover,loganin,aucubin,barhang,sicoiridoid glycosides,sicoiridoid glycoside,sicoiridoid,bitter nature,bitter substances,characteristic Iroid glycosides,types of iroid glycosides,insulin secretion,help to pancreas,anti-gastric,appetizing,choleretic,choleretic,bile secretion,amarogenitin,gintopicroside,Kushad plant,picrolio,picorosia,oleoresin,olive,antidiabetic,antihypertensive,lowering blood sugar,lowering blood pressure,okubin,barhang,esperza,analgesic,spasmolytic,coumarin glycosides,properties of coumarin glycosides,plants with coumarin glycosides,Plants with iroid glycosides,oleander,sweet clover,Indian chestnut,blood relaxant,muscle relaxant,anti-hematocrit,anti-blood concentration,sulfartide glycosides,types of sulfartide glycosides,plants with sulfartide glycosides,sulfartide glycosides,Types of glucosinolate glycosides,plants with glucosinolate glycosides,syngrin, cinnabalin,gluconastrotin,glucobracidisin,proguitrin,allylcysteine,allin, allein,phenylpropanoid glycosides,types of phenylpropanoid glycosides,plants with phenylpropanoid glycosides,apricot kernel,bitter almond,aglycone,Glycon,Brassicaceae,Rosacea,Sclephlaricea,Asteraceae,Polygonaceae,Golsakhyan,Barhangian family,Angustifolia, Pallida A,Shahpasandian family,Frusytia,Holy thorn,Mahor flower,Rabbit,Darvash,Echinacoside glycoside,Verbascoside,Tridiscania,Angustifolia,Anti-aging due to ultraviolet radiation,Sinjirin glycoside,Siberian ginseng,Golden root plant,Rhodial rosea,Osmium tenioflorum Holy basil,glycoside salidoside,flavoring,vitamin B17,Eleutherococcus senticosus,Viscum, Verbascum,Centaurea cyanus,Cornus mas,Malva Sylvestris,Alcea,Lepidium sativum,Cabbage,Allium,Armoracia rusticana,Mustard plant,Watercress,Mustard plant,Brassicaceae,Melilotus officinalis,Alocasia sanderiana,Horse Chestnut,Great Plantain,Plantago psyllium,Menyanthe trifolie,Galium odoratum,Harpagophytum procumbens,Salix alba,Cassia Angustifolia,Aloes Socotrina,Citrullus colocynthis,Rheum officinale,lyceum,Rubia,Sambucus nigra,Manihot esculent,

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