

Found in more than 20,000 plant and animal structures - consisting of isoprene units with acetate origin, formed under the metabolic pathway of mevalonic acid - they are bitter components of nature.

Terpenoid (Terpene):

Compilation and arrangement of Engineer Javidi

Terpenoids (terpenes):


Found in more than 20,000 plant and animal structures – consisting of isoprene units with acetate origin, formed under the metabolic pathway of mevalonic acid – they are bitter components of nature.



Consisting of two isoprene units – part of the main category of plant essential oils

The most abundant monoterpenes:

The precursor of monoterpenes is geranyl pyrophosphate (ten carbon unit).

1). Cineol:

Strong antiseptic – found in plants (rosemary-absinthe-eucalyptus-basil-lavender-marjoram-thyme-and…)

2).Pinen (alpha pinen-beta pinen): plants (barijeh-cumin-hyacinth-pine-parsley-celery-frankincense-savory-scented candlestick – and…)

– Alpha pinene: analgesic and spasmolytic

– Beta pinene: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

3). Limonene: plants (citrus family, lemon grass, lemon balm, mint, etc).

Antibacterial-antioxidant-helps to treat cancer, especially intestinal and digestion-inhibition of mucinase enzyme (helps digestion)-inhibition of beta-glucortidase enzyme (anti-inflammation of the stomach and intestines)-inhibition of monoamine oxidase enzyme (anti-depression-increasing libido)-and. ..

4).Flandren: (types of alpha-beta- and…) found in plants (fennel, cumin, hyacinth, mint, etc.)

Anti bacterial

5). Myrcin: found in plants (hops, lemon grass, mango, cannabis, incense leaves, etc.)

Increased dopamine function

6). Myristicin: found in plants (nutmeg-parsley fruit, etc.)


Citronella: found in plants (lavender, lemon balm, etc.)


Types of monoterpenes:

1). Bitter-tasting iroid monoterpene:

– Glycoside form: pauniflorin substance inside dandelion flower and centaumani flower (anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, anti-cancer-antipyretic)

Non-glycosidic form: Valpotriate substance inside the root of valerian plant (analgesic-sedative and sleep-inducing(

3).Phenolic monoterpene:

1).Karakrol: strong antiseptic and anti-flatulent – found in plants (cumin, thyme, mint, rosemary, etc).

. Thymol: a strong antiseptic- found in plants (Zinian-thyme-marzonoosh, etc(.

3). Menthol: anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, respiratory tract opener, anti-migraine, anti-sinusitis, found in peppermint and peppermint plants and…

Alcoholic monoterpene or acetate:

1).Linalool Acetate (geraniol): monoamine transferase enzyme inhibitor (anti-depressant-increasing libido) – 5-phosphodiesterase enzyme inhibitor (helps sexual power and erection) – anti-cellulite – liver and kidney tonic – reducing bleeding – Available in plants: rose, aromatic candlestick, golden plant, lavender, lemon balm and…

2).Borneol: anti-toxin and antidote-found in plants (thyme-yarrow-barijeh-jedoary).

3). Terpineol: antibacterial-antioxidant- found in plants (basil, rosemary, syahedane, tangerine, etc.).

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to 15-carbon compounds that are in the form of gamma lactoferron.

These compounds in essential oils are combined with monoterpenes.

Some believe that these compounds are phytoalexin or antifidal.

Sesquiterpene lactones: phytoalexin or antifidal compounds:

Compounds that prevent the growth of mycelium of mushrooms. These compounds usually occur in plants in response to various living (such as pathogens and insects) or non-living (such as drought, cold, etc.) stimuli.

1). Camazolen-amazolen: a type of blue-colored sesquiterpene – strong anti-inflammatory – found in chamomile and yarrow plants.

2).Bisabolol-oxybisabolol: anti-inflammatory – found in the German chamomile plant

3).Gossypol: It is a type of dimersesquiterpene – in the Malvaceae family (cotton) – in this substance, the isoprene units are arranged in an aromatic structure. This compound is effective on testicular mitochondria in men, causing infertility.

Gossypol consumption in livestock:

bloody urine-difficulty breathing-depression-depression-lung congestion-cardiac arrest and death.

To remove Gossypol:

Soaking-heating-adding mushroom (Aspergillus flavus)-adding iron sulfate.

4).Sezgoi terpene in Merhajazi gum: antibacterial-antifungal and local anesthesia.

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Sesquiterpene lactones:


More than 3000 sesquiterpene lactones have been found so far – it consists of 6 isoprene units – it is mostly found in flowers and leaves of plants and in simple and combined form – and it is also mostly seen in the Asteraceae family.

1). Parthenolide: in chamomile plant, cow’s eye-anti-migraine

2).Helenalin: anti-inflammatory – anti-staphylococcal infection – anti-arthritis – anti-skin rashes – found in Arnica plant or mountain tobacco.

Note: Some people show sensitivity to sesquiterpene lactones, which is quite evident in the case of Arnica plant.

3). Senicin: anti-inflammatory and anti-viral infection-present in the holy thistle plant.

4). Artemisinin: anti-malarial-anti-tumoral-available in the Chinese herb.

5).Allantolactan: Antibiotic – found in the root and rhizome of Shami ginger.

6). Achilin: anti-hemorrhagic and anti-inflammatory – found in yarrow plant.

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A compound consisting of 4 isoprene units – very bitter in taste – more in the Labiate family (mints).

1). Marobin: anti-inflammatory, anti-helicobacter pylori, expectorant, present in the Frasion plant.

2). Columbine: antipyretic, digestive tonic, appetite stimulant, anti-nausea and nervous vomiting, Mojo in the Columbo plant (from the barberry family)

3).Forskolin: found in Indian borage plant (Plectranthus amboinicus):

Lowering blood pressure-opening bronchioles-inotropic role in the heart-dilating blood vessels-lowering intraocular pressure-anti-platelet accumulation.

3). Abitic acid: resin gummy acid obtained from pine and is allergenic.

5). Salovin: present in the sage plant (antiperspirant-anti-hepatitis 2).

6) Kofesterol: present in coffee (increasing blood cholesterol level – anti-diabetic effects).

7).Feruginol: present in rosemary plant (antioxidant, anti-Alzheimer properties and also beneficial antibacterial effects).

8). Labdan: found in the Nain Haundi plant Andrographis paniculata L (control of cancer, bacterial, viral, hepatitis and diabetes diseases) – diterpene lactone – dimerandrographolide (increasing the immune system) – treatment of liver and digestive disorders

9). Sklaren 10) Cambern A 11). Lagochilin 12). Esteviol 13). Tiamulin 14). Guanacaste Pe A

15).Paclitaxol (Taxol): di-terpene complex-in the family of yews-in the genus Taxus of yews-anti-cancer (skin-lung-esophagus-lymphatic-uterus-breast-kidney)-prevention of mitotic effects.

Diterpene bitters:


very bitter-anti-colic-appetizing-regulation of blood sugar-against fever-anti-inflammation.

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Derived from a 30-carbon precursor called squalene, squalene was first extracted from shark liver. Triterpenoids have a steroid-like appearance and are found in plants and animals.

Types of triterpenoids:

Free triterpenoids (non-glycosidic) – triterpene saponins – organic steroid saponins – cardiac glycosides – phytosterols – cucorbitacins – cossinoids

Free triterpenoids (non-glycosidic):

Description: anti-cancer-anti-diabetes-helping the function inside the cell-antihepatoxi-antihistamine-antihypertensive-eliminating side effects caused by radiation therapy

1). Ganoderic acid: found in Ganoderma Elysium mushroom

2). Puriacin: Poriacoccus mushroom

3). Triterpene saponin: (2-10%) glycosides A to F

Triterpene alcohols: (ML) – (DL) – (L):

Available in the marigold plant

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Carotenoids, which are found in more than 600 types in nature, are found in red, yellow, and orange colors in leaves, fruits, and flowers.

1). Alpha and beta carotene: the precursor of vitamin A – in yellow and orange colors – found in bananas, alfalfa, corn

2). Lycopene: anti-prostate, vaso-opening, anti-prostate cancer, found in tomatoes and watermelons.

3).Lutein: an antioxidant – anti-cancer – blood vessels opener – useful for the skin – found in broad and dark leafy vegetables such as kale and lettuce with dark green leaves – egg yolks and corn.

Good luck – Javidi

,Javidi,Engineer Javidi,Reza Javidi, Engineer Javidi,Javidi,medicine,Zrin giyahe pars,chemistry of medicinal plants,phytochemistry,plant phytochemistry,plant chemistry,terpenoid,terpene,tetraterpene,triterpene,tetraterpenoid,diterpene,cineole,alpha pinene,betapinene,alphapinene,Limonene,Flandrene,Myrcin,Myristicin,Citronellal,Paoniflorin,Valpotriat, Iroid monoterpene,Phenolic monoterpene,Caracrol,Menthol,Thymol,Snoring,Anti-migraine,Anti-infective,Alcoholic monoterpene,monoterpene acetate,linalool acetate,linalool,geraniol,monoamine transferase enzyme,5-phosphoditransferase enzyme,borneol,terpineol,sesquiterpene,phytoalexin,antifidal,camazolen,amazolen,bisabolol,oxybisabolol,gossypol,gossypol in livestock,Sesquiterpene lactones,parthenolide,isoprene unit,hlenalin,senicin,allantolactan,achiline,diterpenes, marobin,phrion plant,columbine,colombo plant,furosculin,Abitic acid,Salovin,Kefestrol,Feruginol,Labdan,Sclaren,Paclitaxel,Lagochilin,Esteviol,Tiamolin,Guanacaste PA,Taxol,Diterpene bitters,Tiamolin, Triterpenoids,Triterpene,Squalene,Triterpenoid types,Triterpenoids Azad,Ganoderic Acid,Puriacin,Triterpene Saponin,Calendula,Tetraterpenoids,Tetraterpene,Carotenoid,Beta-Carotene,Alpha-Carotene,Lycopene,Lutein,Anti-Prostate Cancer,Tomato,Watermelon,Ganoderma Elysium,Poriacoccus

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